Just this past weekend I finally got to visit Victoria Beach Tower near Laguna Beach. I had been procrastinating on this location for a couple of years now and never seemed to get down there, weather, commitments and traffic have always seemed to get in the way, coupled with the 150 mile round trip for one shot, if I went down there..  The conditions had to be right.

I had been studying the weather all week and was promised a good amount of cloud cover for several days before the weekend was here, on Saturday morning I took one look out of the window and knew it was finally time to get down to this location. I also shot a few in San Juan Capistrano mission before sun down, but will get to them shots in another post.

The Victoria beach tower descends from the top of the cliffs down to the rocks below, as fairy tale like as this structure appears, according to Wikipedia it is nothing more than a stair case for the owners of the property on the cliff top. As you can see from the photo, it was worth the drive down finally, it was a reasonable sunset, I got some great clouds and the turned a nice pink as the sun drifted below the horizon. 



Manhattan Beach


LA Wood Car Show