“Eppur Si Muove!”
Italian, translation: “And yet it moves.” – Galileo Galilei, mathematician, physicist and philosopher in 1633 after being forced to recant his claims that the Earth moves around the Sun.
Just as we now know the earth moves around the sun —everything moves, be it through space or time. This idea is a central inspiration and drive at the heart of my photography. I am often thinking on how the elements of a photograph travel through space and time to converge in a unique instant, and I want viewers to feel every aspect of a photo as if they’re right there alongside me.
I use high concept techniques such as High Dynamic Range and Long Exposure with a meticulous attention to detail both out in the field and in the digital darkroom to do this. And I have traveled for two decades to some of the more remote places around the world to capture compelling images. Some of my current and past clients include ArtFully, Tru TV, Bodiam Estates and UCLA.
From my home-country of England, where my stepfather’s camera fortuitously fell into my eager hands over thirty years ago, to my current home in the vibrant landscape of California, I’ve been continuously called to wander and shoot with an insatiable passion. Journeying from the expansive deserts to majestic mountains, and from the breathtaking Pacific coastline to the greater U.S. and beyond, pushing my creative abilities and vivid imagination as far as possible has always been a deeply personal and immensely rewarding pursuit. A childlike excitement for adventure, combined with a profound fascination for faraway places, has now taken me from the long-forgotten, sun-soaked shores of the Salton Sea to the spiritual and extraordinarily isolated expanse of Easter Island. In this time, I have skillfully captured the idyllic beauty of the English countryside and, despite the rigors presented by inclement weather, traversed the dramatic lava fields and awe-inspiring icebergs of Iceland. I have also ventured into the hauntingly post-apocalyptic and radioactive Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine on more than one occasion, documenting its silent stories and unique atmosphere.
As a landscape photographer, I often find myself alone in the vast, remote areas of our world, witnessing breathtaking scenes and experiences that most people do not have the opportunity to see. I strive to capture, above all else, the moment that unmistakably expresses the profound emotions I felt in that fleeting instant of time and space. Perhaps I am drawn to landscape photography, nature, and the remote corners of our planet because I am continuously reminded of Galileo’s famous phrase, Eppur si muove. It is in those moments of quiet contemplation that the freedom to be deeply moved by the sensations of our shared humanity within this expansive cosmos is never more apparent.
Just for a brief moment, I want people to be completely removed from their hectic daily lives through my carefully captured photographs and connect with me on a deeper level as I share the extraordinary beauty of our stunning planet. I sincerely hope you’ll join me as we continue our exhilarating and sometimes crazy journey around the sun, traversing our galaxy, and onward through the vastness of the cosmos.
“The moment he was set at liberty, he looked up to the sky and down to the ground, and, stamping with his foot, in a contemplative mood, said, Eppur si muove.”